Film Festival in Frankfort

A new and exciting thing is happening this month right here in Frankfort.

The Garden Theater

is holding it’s
Inaugural Independent Film Festival
on October 23-25, 2009 .
Yes, that’s right, it takes place

In honor of this most excellent event,
the Wayfarer is giving away 2 tickets to the festival
Cottage 6 for that weekend (Friday and Saturday night) to the lucky winner !

So, here’s how we’re going to do this:

Please post your answer in the comment section of this post

Tell me how many feature films were filmed in Michigan in 2008

or if you don’t know the answer,

just say ‘hallo’ <–  with a British accent if you please         :mrgreen:

Every entry counts!



As your entries (enter as many times as you want to) come in,
I’ll assign a number to each of them
and with the help of a random number generator
a winner will be found.
Enter until Friday, October 9, 2009.
The contest closes at 5 PM

Good luck everyone

54 thoughts on “Film Festival in Frankfort

  1. H-e-l-l-o…… I was looking for the answer, but I couldn’t find it. I hope my British accent will do. 🙂
    I have attended the Saugatuck Waterfront Film Festival and an independent film festival in Missoula, MT… I really enjoy the creativity and knowledge I walk away with. What a great giveaway!!!

    Super cute blog.

  2. How do I follow you? Let me know….

  3. I’m not sure how many times one is able to comment, but I’m back… hee hee.

    My husband and I were looking at your photos and he said,” nice steelhead “….

  4. el-lo

    That’s got to be an accent from somewhere!

    If I came here, would you say “welcome home”?

    Nice place!

  5. hallo!

    I am here to welcome you to SITS! you are going to love this bloggy community filled with truly amazing and supportive women. Feel free to come by my blog and say hello. AND if you like follow me…I host a monthly drawing for fun prizes EXCLUSIVELY from my list of followers…no need to comment on every post, just follow. Cool Right?!

  6. Good morning! I think I found the answer! Is it 36?? We are looking forward to coming up tomorrow. Hope the weather cooperates!!

  7. ok….. how about 35?

  8. found another source that says 25.

  9. AH LO < this is how my dad says it, definitely an accent, just not British.

  10. Guten tag–not British but hey, whatever works! See you next Thursday.


  11. I believe the answer is 14 Mate. This ‘ere is my best investigative guess. ‘have a good day? Pam

  12. My guess is 31 films in 2008

  13. Christine Tilley

    Ummmm, Hi. Jersey remember??

  14. Hello Iris,
    Another fun contest and what a prize!!

    I have two guesses. I saw two answers in one website which is confusing to me but here goes.

    First guess is 25 films made in 2008.


  15. ‘ello again,

    My second guess is 31.

    Hope I win!!

    Thanks for your blog, it’s fun to find out what is happening in Frankfort.


  16. ‘ello govna’

    My guess is 13

    Good luck everyone!


  17. TALOFA!

    allo allo allo…

    and hello. 🙂 **waving towards Frankfort**

    I have no idea about the films, sorry. But if on some odd chance I get picked, I promise to donate the prize to a good cause.

  18. Christine Tilley

    New day, new click. So how you doin? (Insert Jersey accent) I’m going to take a guess. Uh,17..

  19. hallo! hallo! How about…nine? But does the “hallo” count if the nine is wrong?

  20. Hi Iris!

    Took some searching, but it looks like 25 feature films for 2008.

    Love your website. I am floored to see your photos of the water: it truly looks like the ocean!

  21. L-O!

    My answer is 31.

    Chip chip cheerio!

    P.S. You can get salt on your lips with the aid of a Margarita, or so I’ve been told.

  22. So nice to find your blog! It’s such a friendly reminder of my time in Frankfort. (Because it’s just as friendly and welcoming as being in Frankfort.)


  23. ah – low

    I think someone said 25 was correct, so I’ll say….25

    how’s Michigan? Pa is cold!

    • It’s not exactly warm here, thank goodness the sun was shining for some of the time today, which made it warm-er.
      It has been raining here for almost a week and there is more rain in the forecast. I like rain. It makes me not
      feel guilty for staying inside so much

  24. Hallo!

    My guess is 14.

  25. 22 feature films were produced in Michigan, 2008…I counted twice to verify that number….can I get cookies just for counting? 🙂

  26. Hi Iris! We just got back to Indiana. We had a great time, even though it rained yesterday.
    Put me down for 31. I figured I better l put in one more entry!

  27. Kathy Carlile Holwerda

    Hi ‘yall!!
    I’ll take a wild guess & say 20 films. Kim told me about the contest. I would LOVE to come & visit in the Fall…!

  28. G’day, mate!
    (I’m channeling a Brit who moved to Australia)

  29. I say 2!

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